VC Fund Deal CRM and Pipeline Investment Tracker: LP Quarterly Update Edition
A simple way to bring your portfolio company information into a easy to read LP update
Graph Advisors is releasing a LP Quarterly Update writer and Cover Letter builder for VCs. Just imagine pressing a button and getting a well organized and formatted PDF to send to Limited Partners.
Following the success and interest from our VC Fund Investment CRM, we are pleased to offer a major upgrade. With one click, GPs can now convert key data in their Deal Tracker into formatted copy to be included in monthly and quarterly LP updates.
This quarterly update writer is the culmination of the work we have done for funds and taking best practices from LP updates and putting them into an automated Airtable Pro tool for GPs to use. It includes;
A way to track portfolio company data
A summary of the investment, ownership, and instruments used
A clear and clean format to use on a quarterly basis
A summary letter to share with LPs with material updates on companies and the firm
A system of record for preserving previous quarterly updates for each portfolio company and the fund
What used to take hours is now an easy (and fun!) way to keep portfolio company information up-to-date and at your fingertips for creating a quarterly update.
GPs can focus on the qualitative information related to a company and its progress, and include the much needed investment information for LPs.
Limited Partners need to quickly and efficiently digest information related to a portfolio and want this information delivered clearly and concisely. Our Quarterly Update writer provides structured data to meet the needs of LPs, and a quick way for GPs to produce this information with the click of a button.
We welcome anyone to start using this tool today. Additionally, we are offering customization services to firms that want to setup and customize the letters and updates to their needs.
You can use code “graphadvisors50” for 50% off today and reach out if you would like customization help through our consulting services.